Sunday, August 5, 2012

Trinity 9 General Prayer

Lord God heavenly Father, we come to You in prayer, asking for the things we need, in the firm confidence that You are our Helper:

Let Your hand of blessing rest upon our nation and make us a humble people, ready to acknowledge Your wise and gracious rule. Defend us against our enemies and protect our military men and women.

Be merciful to those who stand in need of Your aid. Send rain on this dry land. Heal the sick, comfort those who mourn, bless those whose material needs are unmet. Use us to show them that faith in Jesus is not mere words but also loving deeds.

Enlighten all of those dark places in our lives that are lived outside of Your Fatherly will and empower us by Your Holy Spirit to make those needed changes in our lives that seem impossible.

Again and again O Lord Your Word has been proved true. Order our individual lives- and our life as a congregation- by that perfect standard of Your written Word.

When we read Your Word, let it never be a word merely for others but also a Word for us. Let us take heed of Your judgments and repent of our sins and let us be comforted by Your promises of forgiveness and peace.

Grant us faithfulness in little things so that we can be trusted with much. Help us to be faithful stewards of Your earthly gifts and in this way show our faithfulness in treasuring the gifts of Your grace. In all that we say and do grant that we would serve You as our one true Master.

As Keith and Yvonne and Reinhrad celebrate birthdays we see how true it is that You are the upholder of our lives. Continue to bless them with every good gift of body and soul.

Bless us all throughout our lives so that as we stand before at the end we can look with triumph on our enemies and joyfully confess that You have delivered us from every trouble.

We ask all of these things in the name of Jesus Christ confident that You will give ear to the words of my mouth and hear our prayers. Amen.

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