Sunday, August 19, 2012

General Prayer Trinity XI

Lord God heavenly Father, we trust in Your promise that You are present here and that hear our prayers for the sake of Your Son:

You have promised to give power and strength to Your people and provide for the needy. According to Your fatherly will, grant healing to those who are ill, especially Lornadell and Henry. Provide for the material needs of all those who suffer want and send rain upon this dry land.

We confess that You are our salvation. That You have chosen us as Your people before the foundation of the world. That you have sent Your Son Jesus to die and rise again for us. That You have called us into the Church by the power of the Holy Spirit. That You will preserve us in faith until our life’s end. Continue to strengthen our faith by Your gifts of Word and Sacrament we receive today.

From the time of Cain and Abel Your people have lived in a world of violence and death. Strengthen and uphold and guide those who are Your ministers in the government to punish the evil and reward the good. Protect our military men and women from harm and danger. Enlighten our fellow citizens in this election year to make wise choices for the good of our nation.

Help our congregation to keep first things first and deliver what was entrusted to us by those who came before: the Good News that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the salvation of sinners. Empower us by your Holy Spirit to be about Your work in our daily vocations.

Grant us the ability to see the truth about ourselves: that we are sinners who stand in great need of Your mercy. Forbid that we should ever trust in our good works or lesser guilt than other people. Make us humble people that we may exalted on the Last Day.

You have promised that the righteous will be glad, that they shall exult before You, that they shall be jubilant with joy. We give You thanks for Irene and Annie and all those saints who rejoice in Your presence and pray that You would keep us in the same faith until that day we join them around Your throne of gracious love.

All of these things and whatever else You see that we need; whatever is good for our neighbor and brings glory to You; grant to us dear Father in heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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