Lord God heavenly Father, we confess with the psalmist that we are blessed to dwell in Your house and sing Your praises. Confident of Your favor, withhold no good thing from us as we call upon Your name in prayer:
Grant to us and all people a renewed reverence for- and holy awe of -Your will expressed in the Ten Commandments. Let our lives be shining examples of those who walk in Your ways and reflect Your presence to the world.
Instill in us a confident faith in Your Word. Let it shine in all of the dark places in our lives and in this world. Grant that our church and congregation would always recognize and confess that the words of the prophets and apostles were inspired by Your Holy Spirit.
Help us to know and believe in Your Son Jesus Christ as he is revealed on the mount of transfiguration—true God and true man—the heaven-sent Savior who has reconciled us to you.
Grant us a ready confidence to face our last day on earth, knowing that there is another life to come and an eternal dwelling place with Your for all who have trusted in Your Son Jesus. Comfort those who mourn with this Good News.
Make us ready to tell of what we have seen and heard in Your Son Jesus Christ. Empower the witness of your church and raise up men for the pastoral ministry.
As we come into the presence of your Son Jesus Christ at this altar, receiving his body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins, drive away all fears and raise us up to walk in his ways.
Throughout our lives, in every moment and circumstance, be to us a sun and shield. We especially ask You to shine upon those who are ill and in need. Grant them your favor and honor them with good gifts.
All of these things and whatever else you see that we need and yet lack the wisdom to ask for, whatever is for our neighbor’s good and to Your glory, grant to us dear Father in heaven for the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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