Good evening, fellow redeemed!
If you're like me, today is the first of many days on which I'll write 2011, only to correct it to reflect the new year. Happy New Year, many will say for the rest of today, but tomorrow is another day - a day of work, a day of preparation for school, a day on which life gets back to normal, whatever that is. As we heard from the Old Testament Lesson this morning (Numbers 6:22-27), in blessing, the Lord puts His eternal name on us. Specifically, it is in our baptism that God puts a name of blessing and promise. As we venture into this new year and beyond, our confidence is in the promise our Lord has given us in His means of grace.
This week at Mt. Olive the Church Office reopens. Bible Study will continue on Wednesday with Revelation 14. Next Sunday, 8 JAN, officers and boards/committees will be installed in preparation for the next Church Council meeting on 9 JAN.
Also, two big events on Saturday, both at 9 a.m.
The Altar Guild will be undecorating the sanctuary in preparation for the Epiphany season. Help will be needed for taking down garland, lights, etc.
Youth of the Church will begin their annual beautification project by weeding the flower beds around the front door of the church. This is greatly needed, and snacks and perhaps a bit of food will be provided.
Prayer Concerns:
Ben Muhr as he continues his recovery
The Church Council and the various committees as they undertake their duties
Prayer for the gift of rain.
God bless!
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