Good evening, fellow redeemed!
Today in the Church it is the day of St. Mary, Mother of God. Yes, that's her proper title. Much of Mary's identity is not derived from herself, but the holy Child she was chosen to carry. In the New Testament, there are about a dozen or so indicators that shape Mary's life.
I once was told that Mary was the mother of Jesus, not God. But, such things have a way of being really important. If Mary's not the mother of God in the flesh, then Jesus of Nazareth is just a man and we have no Savior. If Mary is not the mother of God, we are still dead in our trespasses and sins. I've long said it and I'll say it again, churches that are not Roman have a habit of wanting Mary to be trotted out briefly at Christmas time and then ushered back to the storage of the Christmas decorations.
But, this isn't what Holy Scripture tells us. Our Lord Jesus Christ is true God (Matthew 1) and true Man (see the resurrection accounts in Luke and John). His enfleshment happened in the womb of Mary.
In fact, rather than wanting Mary to be kept behind a curtain, we should praise God for this young girl of Nazareth. For Mary is not the great exception, but the great example of faith. Her words of unconditional obedience are words to be on our lips, too: "Let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38).
By the way, according to the traditions of the Church, Mary lived in the home of John, in accordance with Jesus' commission in John 19. She accompanied John as he served in Ephesus, where she died.
Almighty God, You chose the virgin Mary to be the mother of Your only Son. Grant that we, who are redeemed by His blood, may share with her in the glory of Your eternal kingdom; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
This week at Mt. Olive, the return of the school is in full swing. Teachers return to prepare their classrooms. Parents and students continue to enroll. It's a busy time.
The Sunday School is currently in need of two teams of teachers. Teachers are needed in the 3-4 year old class. And, teachers are needed in the Cradle Roll (2 and under group). If you're so moved by the Spirit to fill these vacancies, please call the Church Office or Kim Waddle. Respond with the prophet Isaiah, "Here am I! Send me!"
Rally Day is set 28 AUG. The menu is still being planned, but will be fairly simple.
Prayer Concerns:
Eunice Lewis, Mary Norton, both recovering from surgery
Those who serve in our armed forces and their families: Rob Vadney (Ft. Campbell), Richard Rhode (North Carolina), John Sorensen (Corpus Christi)
Teachers who are returning to class this week
Students at all levels who have already begun classes or will begin classes this week and next
College students who continue to travel back to their campuses
Our school at Mt. Olive, her teachers, and the students committed to their teaching
This Week at Mt. Olive
Monday, August 15
6:30 p.m.
Zumba (Fellowship Hall)
Board of Elders (Pastor's Conference Room)
Wednesday, August 17
9:30 a.m.
Bible Study (finishing study on the letters of John)
6:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
Lutheran Book Club
God bless!
Pastor Kevin Jennings
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