Lent 4, Series A April 3, 2011
Lessons for the Fourth Sunday in Lent
Isaiah 42:14–21 ~ God promised to turn darkness to light and give the blind sight so they might follow Him.
Psalm 142 (ant. v. 5)
Ephesians 5:8–14 ~ Rebirth in faith is like waking from death into the glorious light of God’s new day.
John 9:1–41~ When Jesus gave sight to a blind man, he gave clear testimony that Jesus was a prophet.
or John 9:1–7, 13–17, 34–39
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Our Eyes are Always on the Lord.
Our Lord Jesus is the Light of the World and shines in our dark lives to guide us into his truth. Sometimes even the people of light close their eyes to the dawn of God's grace, as they did in Isaiah's day. Then they are spiritually blind, just as the Pharisees were when they confronted the man to whom Jesus had given sight. That man saw much more than his physical world when he met Jesus. Our eyes also are opened to see him and our tongues moved to confess: "I do believe, Lord!"
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Almighty God, your light shines in my life to light up my dark world. You know my needs and my desires. Reach out your strong hand to defend me from my enemies and guide me in the path of your truth. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: The blind man healed by Jesus on the Sabbath used his new found sight to give a clear witness to “the prophet” who had healed him. Our lives are gifts to God when we clearly express our faith in Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world.
OFFERING PRAYER: Through our stewardship of Your gifts, dear Father,
May we shine like bright lights for others,
That many people will hear the good news
That Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: When we fail to discern what is pleasing to the Lord, we are living in the darkness of this world, out of touch with God and lost in our selfish wills. God heals us from blindness just as Jesus did the man who He told to wash in the pool of Siloam. To recognize the redeeming power of God working in the darkness of this world means that we are enlisted in the work of the Kingdom of God and seek to do the Father’s will.
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