Lent 1, Series A March 13, 2011
Lessons for the First Sunday in Lent
Genesis 3:1–21 ~ Adam and Eve fell into sin when Satan tempted them.
Psalm 32:1-7 (antiphon vs. 7a)
Romans 5:12–19 ~ As the result of one trespass all have sinned.
Matthew 4:1–11 ~ After He was baptized, Christ was tempted by Satan.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Happy to be Human
That is what it is all about, you know. Adam and Eve were not satisfied with their created state. Out of the dust they had come, but they wanted to go to the stars. They were blinded by the stardust and earned death through their dissatisfaction. Jesus, on the other hand, came from the 'stars' and took on the dust of our humanity, happy to do so. By his obedience to death he opened up our future to become once again all that God had intended when he first created us.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Lord Jesus, the temptations around me are many and suited especially for my weakest moments. You were strong to resist the devil. Give me your strength. Even more, give me your victory over sin and even over death so I may live with you forever. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: God has placed kingdoms, power, wealth, food, and clothing at our disposal. He calls us to use them not for evil purposes, but for good, to empower the dispossessed and to spread the blessings of His Kingdom.
OFFERING PRAYER: Lord, let us use these earthly gifts
To build the Kingdom of Your name,
And set us free from Satan’s bonds
To spread Your glory and Your fame.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: We exercise our ill-won right to choose good and evil for ourselves and remain caught up in the grip of sin earned by Adam and Eve. Jesus exercised His divine right to be faithful to His Father’s calling and burst us free from the power of death. Now we live in righteousness, not by right, but by the free gift of God’s grace.
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