Greetings, fellow redeemed!
Have you ever noticed how Christ-centered worship really is? To be honest, the liturgy in worship takes us completely out of the equation, making the entire service about Christ! Listening a particular radio show I frequent, the host mentioned that he had been accused by a popular Christian pastor of preaching too much Christ, or linking Christ where He isn’t specifically mentioned in Holy Scripture. Like, say, Proverbs. So, why the big emphasis on Christ?
The Forgiveness of Sins! That’s a good place to start. Sometimes we talk as if “forgiveness of sins” is a commodity, something that kind of tangible that’s handed out. “Here, have a bowl of forgiveness of sins,” some illustrations might indicate. But the forgiveness of sins isn’t a thing; the forgiveness of sins is a promise! In forgiving us, God says, “I promise I’m not going to get even over this, because I punished My Son, Jesus Christ, for it.” Notice Christ again? That means that, on that first Good Friday, every blow of the hammer, every time Jesus’ flesh ripped from nails or thorns or wood or spear, every drop of blood, every torrent of sweat, every groan and cry from our Lord’s mouth, was brought about by God the Father on account of our sinfulness.
The grace of God! Again, another great place either to start or end is here. Sometimes, like forgiveness, we think grace is a commodity. If the Christian life is a struggle, God might need to add a quart of grace in our spiritual filler tube. Again, grace is not a thing that’s like an engine additive. Rather, grace, again, is a promise! The old Lutheran guys taught that grace is favor Dei propter Christum – God’s favor on account of Christ. Grace is God the Father’s attitude toward us on account of, you guessed it, Jesus Christ and what He has done as our substitute.
I mentioned before that the liturgy takes us out of the equation and centers everything on Christ. I’m reminded of Luther’s Sacristy Prayer: But do not forsake me, for if ever I should be on my own, I would easily wreck it all.
In preparation for Rally Day this next Sunday, there are quite a few happenings this week. Sunday School lessons are in! Kim has asked all Sunday School teachers to meet at the Church tomorrow evening (Monday) at 6 p.m. to receive and go over lessons. If you haven’t taught before, this is really a valuable time to learn from some experienced folks about teaching Sunday School – tips for the lessons, how to do memorizations, and the like.
Monday evening is also the night for a special planning meeting. If you have some dates and times from a committee, board, or a special area of ministry, please come to the meeting. My goal is to spend an hour (maybe less) constructing a calendar from September through December. If you have dates and times and activities for the calendar and you cannot make the meeting, please give me a call BEFORE the planning meeting.
Tuesday evening is a meeting of the Board of Elders at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Morning Bible study reconvenes this Wednesday after the two months. Class starts at 9:30 a. m. and lasts for 1 hour. The topic will be ready Wednesday morning.
Also in preparation for Rally Day, those interested in participating in a guitar worship service are invited to a rehearsal at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Songs have been chosen and a few instrumentalists have been identified. Particularly needed are singers – those who can help lead the congregation, especially at late service.
Finally, if you attended Camp Lone Star this summer, there will be a rehearsal on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. for the late service on Sunday.
Next Sunday is Rally Day! This is an excellent opportunity to invite friends and neighbors who may or may not have a church home. The main Rally Day festivities will be at the Sunday School hour, late service, and after late service.
God bless!
Prayer Needs:
Sunday School teachers here at Mt. Olive and throughout the Church, that God would bless them with His wisdom and compassion.
Confirmands who will begin classes on September 13.
All pastors and teachers of the Church who begin teaching another year of Jr. Confirmation.
Students and teachers, both those who begin school tomorrow, those who are already in the thick of instruction, and those who home school, that God would bless those who teach and those who learn.
Those who serve in our armed forces, including Michael Baker (Iraq), Edwin Rodriguez (Afghanistan), and Richard Rhode (North Carolina).
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, 24 AUG 09
8 a.m. School begins!
7 p.m. Planning Meeting
Tuesday, 25 AUG 09
6:30 p.m. Elders Meeting
6 p.m. Sunday School Teachers Meeting
Wednesday, 26 AUG 09
9:30 a.m. Wednesday Morning Bible Study
6:30 p.m. Zumba Aerobics in the Fellowship Hall
Guitar Worship Rehearsal in the sanctuary
Saturday, 29 AUG 09
10 a.m. Camp Song practice
4 p.m. Guitar Worship rehearsal and set up
Sunday, 30 AUG 09
Rally Day!
Pr Jennings -- Thanks for centering worship on Jesus Christ. As you say, it all begins there, and is a good place to end! It is indeed, God's service which points us to Christ and His grace!