Lessons for Proper 14 (Lutheran Service Book)
1 Kings 19:1–8 ~ When Elijah was at the end of his road, God gave him bread, water, and marching orders.
Or Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18 ~ Joshua charged the people to serve God alone and forsake false gods.
Psalm 34:1–8 (antiphon: v. 3)
Ephesians 4:17—5:2 ~ Christ has rescued us from a futile life without God, and given us a new life to live.
John 6:35–51 ~ Jesus, the Bread of Life, came from the Father and gave His flesh for the life of the world.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Something to Live For
Elijah was hounded by Queen Jezebel until he was ready to die, but God miraculously provided food for Elijah that carried him on to the next job God had for him to do. In our new life in Christ we sometimes get discouraged because it is impossible to be faithful imitators of God as St. Paul charges us to be. Only when we are fed the spiritual food of Christ himself, the Bread of Life, can we have the energy to go on to the next task God has in mind for us.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: O Lord, sometimes I am so discouraged that I am ready to give up on myself and my friends. Remind me that I can always trust You in the days ahead. Strengthen me in Christ my Savior to face the next task. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: In Christ, we live new lives, not taking everything we can for ourselves, but always eager to share what we have with those in need; not wrapped up in the discouraging circumstances of our own life, but ready to strengthen our bodies for the journey before us, just as Christ gave His life that we may live for God.
OFFERING PRAYER: Lord, when Elijah thought there was no reason to go on, You showed Him Your purpose in his life. Show us what You would have us do, and give us the means and the will to do it. Amen.
How about this for a sermon title:
ReplyDeleteGod's Cure For Disappointment: His Provision and Purpose
Allan -- I made a mistake on these lessons. The option of Joshua 24 is for next Sunday, August 16, not the 9th. Sorry about that! -- Gil