Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lent 1b General Prayer

Lord God heavenly Father, because You have promised to answer us when we call, we come to You in prayer, trusting that You will hear us and answer us for our good:

Be with us in the troubles of life.  Strengthen those who are ill and need Your healing touch.  Especially do we pray for Luci as she faces surgery this week, that You would guide the hands of the surgeon and bring renewed strength into her life and for Anita who is hospitalized.  We also pray for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, especially Elsie as she mourns Erna’s passing and the Harborth family as they mourn Marty’s passing.  We thank You for these faithful ladies who now rest in Your presence and pray that You would also bring us safely to our heavenly home.

We pray that You would grant to our families and marriages a deep and abiding love and trust in You that is always willing to put You first, obey You in all things, and follow where you lead. 

We thank You heavenly Father that You have not withheld from us Your Son, Your only Son, the Son You loved but have made him our substitute, giving him into death so that we could be forgiven of our sins and once again take our place in Your family.

By the power and help of the Holy Spirit grant us steadfastness in times of trial and temptation like that of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Help us to fight the good fight against the world, our flesh, and the devil so that we are not lured and enticed into abandoning You.

We praise You for the Spirit’s work in our life, that He has brought us forth by the Word of truth.  Strengthen and sustain our faith through that same Word of truth as we worship in this place and in our homes.

We praise You for all the good gifts You give that bless our earthly lives and especially for the gift of children.  Bless Rhett as he celebrates his birthday and keep him close to You all his days.  Watch over and protect all expectant mothers and grant them safe deliveries and healthy children.  Especially do we thank You for the new daughter that You have given to Heather and Gary and pray that You would bring her safely to the waters of Holy Baptism.

Heavenly Father, watch over this congregation. Guide and direct them as they call a new pastor.  Remind them that they are Your children and that You will cause all things to work for their good.

Whatever else You see that we need; whatever serves our neighbor and glorifies You; whatever extends Your kingdom, grant to us dear Father in heaven for we ask it in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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