Sunday, September 6, 2009

This Week at Mt. Olive

Good evening, fellow redeemed!

It wasn't the text of sermon this morning, but the text from Mark 7 about about the Syro-Phonecian woman and her demon-possessed daughter continues to be one of my favorites. In this text, our Lord Jesus Christ reveals the great love and mercy of God. The woman is a Gentile, and she knows God's choosing of Israel. Yet, her trust isn't in arguing a loophole or her own worthiness for Jesus' attention. Rather, her trust is in the overflowing mercy of God. The great lesson of the text really informs our prayer life. How many times have we gone to our Lord, seeking something puny. Yet, what's the testament of Scripture: My cup overflows! God's answer to our prayers is overflowing, providing more than we could even think to ask or ever deserve. Why? It's all for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you haven't noticed, we're doing the Children's Message again. I'm following a basic outline of the Lord's Prayer right now, both in the school chapel services and the Children's messages. This week's text was the first petition, Hallowed be Thy name. This coming Sunday, the text for the Children's Message will be the second petition, Thy Kingdom come. To prepare your children, and maybe yourself, take a look at the second petition and explanation in the Lord's Prayer.

You may have also noticed a slight change in the worship liturgy. We'll continue that change, plus a bit more in the communion liturgy, until the end of the Church Year.

Tuesday night, the Lutheran Women's Missionary League meeting schedule picks up again. The LWML, as it's known, meets at Mt. Olive at 6:30 p.m. As a side note, each year the LWML in the U. S. contribues millions of dollars to missions both here and abroad.

This coming Sunday, September 13, the Adult Bible Class begins a new series on the Muslim faith. It's an A/V series and will combine a video and discussion each week.

Jr. Confirmation kicks off again this week, beginning Sunday at 12:30 p.m. I'll be using a curriculum this year that employs both an online component and class participation, along with Bible study and study of the hymnal.

Saturday, September 12, will be the second of a post-high school group just formed this year (we still need to come up with a name). We'll meet at 6 p.m. at the church and go from there!

Sunday, September 13, the Sr. Youth (MOSH) will meet for bowling! Watch for a time change, as we'll need to arrange a time that works with the bowling alley schedule. A blast later this week will also give some cost figures.

"I was listening to a radio program earlier..." You've probably heard me say that either in a meeting or in Bible Class or even in worship. There are two primary programs I listen to, and both have free downloads. One is called Issues, Etc. This program is hosted by Rev. Todd Wilken and comes from Collinsville, IL. This is a confessional Lutheran program that addressed many of the currents in church and society with a Lutheran response. It can be heard (or downloaded to your MP3 player) at

The second program is called The Whitehorse Inn. This program tends to be a bit more broad, but does include a well-known Lutheran apologist on its regular panel. It comes from the Los Angeles area, addressing many of the currents in church and society from a conservative Christian point of view. This program can be heard or downloaded at

I will be out of the office on Tuesday for this month's Circuit Conference.

One last note: I try to keep current with email addresses, but I don't always succeed. If you know of someone who is not on the list, please feel free to forward the message. Then, please give me a reply with the address I need to include.

Prayer Needs:
Elvira Michalk, hospitalized
Kathy Jennings, undergoing a back treatment this week
All the baptized, that they may confess their faith in the Triune God boldly
All pastors, as they get back to the task of instructing young people
The President, the Congress, and all our nation's leaders, that they may govern with wisdom and integrity
The Church throughout the world, that our Lord would keep His people from the evil one
The whole Church, as we pray together, "Come quicly, Lord Jesus!"

God bless!

This Week at Mt. Olive:
Church Office and School are closed
7 p.m. Girl Scout Troop Meeting

6:30 p.m. Lutheran Women's Missionary League

8:30 a.m. School Chapel
9:30 a.m. Bible Class
6:30 p.m. Choir (watch for any special announcements - depending on how Kathy's feeling after her treatment)

6:30 p.m. School Night of Scouting for Pack 278

6 p.m. Young Adult Bible Class

Looking Ahead:
8 a.m. Divine Service
9:15 a.m. Sunday School (invite your neighbors!)
and Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Divine Service
12:30 p.m. Confirmation Instruction
TBA MOSH (Sr. Youth)

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