Good evening, fellow redeemed!
Augsburg Confession, article XVI. Seemed appropriate today, Romans 13 being today's Epistle.
1] Of Civil Affairs they teach that lawful civil ordinances are good works of God, and that 2] it is right for Christians to bear civil office, to sit as judges, to judge matters by the Imperial and other existing laws, to award just punishments, to engage in just wars, to serve as soldiers, to make legal contracts, to hold property, to make oath when required by the magistrates, to marry a wife, to be given in marriage.
3] They condemn the Anabaptists who forbid these civil offices to Christians.
4] They condemn also those who do not place evangelical perfection in the fear of God and in faith, but in forsaking civil offices, for 5] the Gospel teaches an eternal righteousness of the heart. Meanwhile, it does not destroy the State or the family, but very much requires that they be preserved as ordinances of God, and that charity be practiced in such 6] ordinances. Therefore, Christians are necessarily bound to obey their own magistrates 7] and laws save only when commanded to sin; for then they ought to obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29.
A few notes for this coming week at Mt. Olive:
Tuesday evening, singers are invited at 7 p.m. to learn some music that's sort of new. We'll be introducing this music and using it in worship beginning in October. We'll be doing this every Tuesday of this month. No experience necessary and you need not attend every session.
The Lutheran Book Club will not be meeting this week. Next week, we'll begin our study of "Hammer of God" by Bo Giertz.
This coming Sunday, September 11, Mt. Olive will be collecting a door offering to assist LCMS World Relief and Human Care in its assistance of areas affected by Hurricane Irene. This is a somewhat humbling for me, as well as a cause to rejoice. This year we have received generous door offerings to assist in caring for different places around our nation and world. I pray that God continues to bless Mt. Olive with generosity in caring for her fellow saints.
Prayer Concerns:
Frank Jennings (my dad) undergoing surgery this week
Those who serve in our armed forces and their families: Rob Vadney (Ft. Campbell), Richard Rhode (North Carolina), John Sorensen (Corpus Christi)
The homebound saints at Mt. Olive: Ruby Rieder, Ann Cleveland, Walter and Pearly Theiss (Houston)
Charlotte Birnbaum
Our nation as it commemorates 10 years since the events of September 11, 2001
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, September 5
Office closed for Labor Day
Tuesday, September 6
7 p.m.
Music familiarization
Wednesday, September 7
8:30 a.m.
School Chapel
9:30 a.m.
Bible Study (Revelation)
6:30 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
God bless!
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