Good evening, fellow redeemed!
Here's another Sunday with three great texts, ripe for proclamation! Of course, the preacher can only proclaim one. I'll treat Acts 2:42 later this week on my blog. In the mean time, consider Jesus' words from John 10:10: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
These days, there are a few popular preachers tell us that Jesus intended by these words that people possess great earthly wealth, that our best life is now. Yet, this same Jesus was poor. He was from Nazareth, after all. In fact, all four Gospels make a big deal of Jesus' rejection, suffering and death. I'd say Jesus' concern was not a great abundance of earthly wealth. Instead, His concern was the abundant life that comes in a now and not yet life in the Kingdom of God ushered in by Jesus Himself. This life now, on this side of our own Good Friday, is abundant in God's mercy and grace shown to us in Christ as He comes to us in the Gospel, in the waters of Holy Baptism, the word of absolution, and in His holy Supper. Yet, the life in this now is not our best. We still live in this sinful flesh. We struggle temptation and we still fall. We still have to face death.
Thus, our life now is also a not yet life. On the Last Day, when our risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ returns in glory, there is life - REAL life. When Christ returns, there is resurrection, not to die again, but to live as Jesus lives, to live as God the Father intended us to live in the beginning. There is the life of not yet - the constant yearning for the day of resurrection and restoration.
This morning's service had some of the great hymns. I really love, "I am Jesus' Little Lamb." And, what better way to begin and complete the Sacrament of the Altar than with the hymn "At the Lamb's High Feast." It's a privilege for Jonathan and me to play with such talented musicians, too.
I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to provide the response to the coming "May 21, 2011 is Judgment Day" posters, automobiles, and billboards we've all seen. We did discuss this at length this morning in Bible Class. Attached is the Bible study we used today.
The Board of Elders will meet Monday evening at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday morning, Bible Study returns at 9:30 a.m. I think we'll be starting 1 John 2.
A couple of volunteer opportunities for two of the greatest ministries God has given us:
Summer Sunday School kicks off in June. This is a time we still teach the great Bible stories of the faith, and give our regular Sunday School teachers a break. Many of you have years of wisdom from hearing, learning, and perhaps even teaching the Bible. Currently, Kim has two volunteers; more are needed. To paraphrase Mayor Richard Dailey, sign up early and sign up often!
Vacation Bible School will be 11-15 JUL and your service is greatly needed. Keep an eye open for announcements on this important ministry.
Finally, it was good to see a number of the college age folks in church this morning. I know the finals were difficult, and I hope you enjoy at least some time off.
I will be out of the office on Tuesday.
Prayer Concerns:
Those who serve in our armed forces and their families: Rob Vadney (Ft. Campbell), Richard Rhode (North Carolina), John Sorensen, Ryan Radtke, Dru Blanc (Corpus Christi)
Emmet and Emma Wright, Ann Cleveland, Walter and Pearly Theiss, Norene Estes, Ruby Rieder
Julianne Stacy and her family at the death of her grandmother
Students at all levels who are barreling toward the end of the year, and some who have already reached it, that they would be diligent in their studies and safe in the travels
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, May 16
6:30 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics (Fellowship Hall)
Board of Elders (Pastor's Conference Room)
Tuesday, May 17
Happy Birthday, Dad!
Wednesday, May 18
Happy Anniversary, Jay and Connie!
8:30 a.m.
School Chapel
9:30 a.m.
Bible Study (1 John)
God bless!
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