Pentecost 20, Series C October 10, 2010
Lessons for Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (LSB Proper 23)
Ruth 1:1-19a ~ Ruth journeyed with Naomi to Bethlehem, her new home and family, and rejoiced in God.
Psalm 111 (antiphon: v. 10)
2 Timothy 2:1-13 ~ Through Christ’s faithfulness we have life with God and the courage to share it.
Luke 17:11-19 ~ The Samaritan leper recognized his new health was a gift from God and gave Him thanks.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Following Our Faithful God
Ruth followed her mother-in-law and found a new home and a new family among Naomi’s people, and God showed Himself faithful by including Ruth in the ancestry of the Savior. St. Paul charged Timothy to entrust the message of God’s salvation in Christ to men who would be faithful in telling it, because God remains faithful to His promise, even though we are faithless. The Samaritan cured of leprosy by Jesus returned to follow the One who brought God’s healing to his body. He was prepared to follow Jesus who had revealed God’s faithfulness to him.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Lord God, make me grateful for Your mercies every day as I tell others of Your faithfulness to Your people through Jesus Christ, my Savior. When I am faithless, recall me, that I may rejoice always in Your salvation. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: We show our gratitude to God for His great mercy in Christ’s victory over sin and death on our behalf when we are faithful in our use of the many blessings from God’s hand to spread the message of the good news.
OFFERING PRAYER: O Lord, You call us to be faithful in all we say and do.
You shower us with Your blessings and mercies, always new!
Now bless once more our worship and thankful songs of praise.
And use these gifts to reach more hearts in faithful, loving ways.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: Would that we were as faithful in relationships as Ruth! Or as committed to the truth of God’s good news as Paul! Or as devoted in gratitude to the One who secured our healing from sin as the Samaritan leper! But we are not! Thanks be to God, in Christ Jesus, He is faithful to His covenant of grace, even when we are faithless.
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