Pentecost 03, Series C June 13, 2010
Lessons for Third Sunday after Pentecost (LSB Proper 06)
2 Samuel 11:26-12:10, 13-14 ~ David repented of his sin with Uriah’s wife when confronted by Nathan.
Psalm 32:1-7
Galatians 2:15-21; 3:10-14 ~ The righteous shall live by faith because justification comes only by grace.
Luke 7:36-8:3 ~ A sinful woman anointed Jesus’ feet with great joy because here forgiveness was great.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: When Our Reasons Hide Our Sin
We have all kinds of reasons for the things we do, even when we ought to know better. David had plenty reasons for having Uriah put in the thick of the battle until he was killed by the Ammonites, and plenty of reasons for wanting Bathsheba to be his wife. Those reasonable explanations kept him from recognizing his sin. St. Paul wrote that if we can excuse our actions and deny our sins, then we really have no need for Christ’s death! Simon the Pharisee could give plenty reasons for his actions, but couldn't excuse the life of the woman who anointed Jesus' feet with tears and perfume. Those who can recognize that they are sinners in spite of their reasons are the ones who repent and receive God's forgiveness.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Lord God, gracious Father, when I am blinded to my own sin, send a word or a sign that I may see where I have fallen. By Your Spirit, open my eyes to my sin that I may seek Your grace in Jesus Christ my Lord. Restore me to the joy of Your salvation. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: God’s generous grace in Christ Jesus covers even the greatest of sins. Though we are wretched rebels, he regards us as his loving children. When we realize the magnitude of our sin and the greatness of his grace, we are generous to share our goods to bring this good news, and provide relief, for all who are in need for both God’s grace and his sustenance.
OFFERING PRAYER: Gracious Lord, we’re quick to notice when our brothers sin,
And just as fast we cover up the wretched mess we’re in!
But when by faith we know your grace, our hearts are opened wide
And through these gifts from loving hands your bounty will provide.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: We usually do something if we think it is worth doing; we help others when we think they deserve it, but the grace of God's kingdom comes to us even though we are not worthy! The faithful life is a response to God’s great love. Any message that makes God’s acceptance of us depend on approval from others or on our efforts to please God is no gospel at all! Rather, the more we recognize the greatness of our sin and the magnificence of God’s grace, so much greater will our faith-filled life be.
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