The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Proper11 – July 19, 2009
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Lord Jesus, you invited your disciples to come along with you to a quiet place to rest for a time. In the middle of my busy world and hectic schedule, be with me so that I may know the hand of my gentle Shepherd leading me each moment of every day. Amen.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Alone -- With God Sometimes we feel so all alone, boxed in by busy-ness and frustrated by feelings we cannot share with friends or family. Sometimes the people who should be guiding us destroy our trust and scatter our faith. But God has raised up a righteous King, Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who by his death has broken down the wall of sin that separated us from God. By his resurrection we are confident of our place in God's family. Even when we are alone God is with us.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: When Jesus saw the crowd far from their homes, He told the disciples, “Give them something to eat.” Although they had limited resources, Jesus blessed their stewardship so there was plenty to spare. God has blessed us with resources and willing hearts so that we are able to meet the needs of today’s crowd with food for body and soul.
OFFERING PRAYER: Lord, we had wandered far away, like sheep without a shepherd; But You have called us back to stay, and feed us well with Your Word. May all these gifts we bring today find willing use to prosper Your holy flock in every way, in spirit and in number. Amen.
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