
The text for our meditation on God’s Holy Word is the Gospel lesson appointed for the day. Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
I want to begin our reflection on the Gospel lesson at the end of Jesus’ story-- with the five brothers of the rich man who were still living—who very much needed to hear what God had to say about the place of money in their lives. Their rich brother had died and was in hell—Lazarus had died and was in heaven—and there both of them would remain for eternity.
But the rich man’s brothers were still living. Their eternal future was not fixed. And the question was: would they listen to what God had to say about the proper role and function of wealth in their lives—or would they turn a deaf ear to what Jesus said and end up in hell like their brother?
I begin there-- because that is the context in which these words were spoken by Jesus- and which they are still spoken today. Jesus was talking to the same group of Jews that he was talking to when he told the parable of the lost coin and the lost sheep and the lost son. He then told them a parable about a shrewd manager and the necessity of using money to godly ends. He went on to tell them that it was impossible to serve God and money. And Luke tells us that at these words—they sneered at Jesus. That is the context in which this story was told.
Now I don’t think that any of us are going to sneer at Jesus-- but the Lord’s teachings on money do give us pause, don’t they? Is it really true that we can’t serve God and money? It seems like we do a pretty good job of trying. Is the love of money really the root of all evil-- or is it possible to love money the right way? Should we really be content with just the basics of life-- or should we strive for luxury like the people of Amos’ day? Does the desire for riches really plunge us into ruin and destruction-- or does it make us successful in life?
We won’t sneer at Jesus like the Pharisees-- but his words about money are so different than what we see all around us in the culture today that we can’t help but try to have it both ways—serving God and money—the very thing Jesus said is impossible to do. And so just like the five brothers of the rich man in Jesus day, we are the ones who need to hear this story that Jesus tells about Lazarus and the rich man because the consequences of living a life devoted to wealth are eternal and terrible.
Jesus said: “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and feasted sumptuously every day.” Ahh! Living the good life! That’s what the rich man was doing. I can easily imagine that and I bet you can too. We spend a good deal of time fantasizing about it--don’t we?
We hear the question often: What would you do if you won the lottery? And the fantasy begins. Wearing the best clothes-driving the nicest car-eating out at the best restaurants–traveling around the world. Not too bad, huh? That's the kind of life the rich man was living–and there is no indication that it was ill-gotten gains that he was living on. He had apparently worked hard, invested well, gotten rich and was enjoying the fruits of, what he supposed, was his wealth.
There's much in this picture that appeals to us. After all, he's living the American dream! And if he forgot the God who blessed him–if he neglected those in need around him--well after all, it took a lot of time and planning to maintain the lifestyle to which he had grown accustomed. Unfortunately, this situation is all too easy for me to imagine. Often times I grow complacent rather than thankful during times of great blessing, forgetting the God who blessed me and the poor who need my help. Maybe you do too.
But putting ourselves in Lazarus’ place--now there's a difficulty. But let's at least try.
“[At the rich man’s gate] was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores.” Imagine this with me: You have no place to live. You have no money. You have no food. You have no family to help you out. And on top of all that, you have a horrible disease that disfigures you to the point where you can't even stand up.
The best, most compassionate thing that anyone can think to do for you is to take you and lay you at the entrance of a mansion, hoping that someone will come out of those doors, find you, and have mercy on you. That's the most you have to hope for, but what you receive instead, is a visit from some scavenging dogs trying to figure out if you are ready to be eaten.
But rather than cursing your situation--rather than being angry at your desperate lot in life--you simply say "God is my help". And most remarkably of all, it’s not just words--you actually believe it—that is your confession of faith! In the midst of this horrible situation, when you seem abandoned by God and there is no visible sign of his mercy or provision--you say, "God is my help." That's what the name “Lazarus” means: “God is my help”. Such was the depth of his faith--that he would be known by this name.
It’s difficult to imagine isn't it? Having such faith. Especially because I know how just a few setbacks in life can make me begin to question God--to demand his help as I see fit, when I see fit--to forget everything that my Savior has so generously given in the past. Maybe it's that way for you too?
Though they were completely different in life, both Lazarus and the rich man shared this one thing in common with the rest of humanity, whether rich, poor–male, female–young, old–famous, obscure: they were both mortal. Their physical life came to an end. Jesus said: “The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried.” No matter what their financial picture, they could not escape death. That will be our experience one day too-- unless the Lord comes first.
I’m not sure we always have such a firm grasp on this basic truth: That whether we are rich or poor, we will die and leave our possessions behind and they will not matter to us anymore! But I wonder if we really believe it? Or do we live our lives like the rich man? Ignoring the voice of God in the words of the prophets and apostles who warns us time and time again of the spiritual dangers of living our lives in service to the things of this world–spending every waking moment seeking wealth, thinking about wealth, enjoying our wealth?
Just as they were different in life, so they were different in death and eternity. When Lazarus lived, he was carried to the entrance of a rich man's house, only to be ignored. When he died, his poor body was placed in a pauper's grave with no one to mourn his passing–forgotten by the world.
But God hadn’t forgotten him. The holy angels came for him and carried him to his eternal home in heaven--a mansion far more grand than the richest man in the world could ever imagine. The pain of his life passed away never to be experienced again-- or even remembered --and Lazarus’ faith was rewarded with the riches of his heavenly Father.
But when the rich man died, how different was the scene in time and eternity! His funeral must have been extravagant! There were family and friends to mourn his passing and to recount his fine parties. Perhaps there was even a grand wake--after all, he would have wanted it that way.
An ornate casket transported his body to the grave and a large, beautiful stone monument marked its place. I'm sure he would have appreciated the fine taste and attention to detail that was shown in his funeral. He would have, that is, if he hadn't been burning in the fires of hell. But that was exactly the situation and it would remain so for eternity.
“In Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side.” Before we go any farther, we need to make sure we understand what Jesus is, and isn’t, saying in this story. Lazarus didn't go to heaven because he was poor–there is no moral value in poverty. And the rich man did not go to hell because he was rich–there is nothing immoral in wealth. There are many rich people in heaven and there are many poor people in hell. People don’t go to heaven or hell because of their wealth or lack thereof. Where we spend eternity is determined by where we have placed our hope and trust and faith in this life: in God-- or in the things of this world.
Lazarus knew that God was his help and lived his life, as difficult as it was, with his eyes of faith fixed on that promises and when he entered into eternal glory his faith was proved true. The rich man lived his life as if this world was all there was. How very wrong he was-- as are all those who in unbelief deny the existence of hell as being something contrary to the will and purposes of God.
God's Word plainly teaches that eternal torment in hell is the punishment for those who turn their backs on him and serve instead some false god such as money or pleasure or success. It is a terrible freedom that God gives to humanity to choose to live our lives in time and eternity apart from him and countless numbers choose to do so.
Now you would think that in hell people would come to the terrible realization that all they had believed and lived for was wrong --and repent of it in tears–but they don’t. They exist in hell as they existed in life–separated from God–turned in on themselves–unconcerned for others. The rich man said:
“Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this fire.”Even in hell the rich man still sees Lazarus as some one who exists to serve his needs, demanding that he leave the peace and joy of heaven to come to the agony of hell to bring a drop of water for his burning tongue--concerned only for his physical needs, with absolutely no thought of the pain that his selfishness causes others. As he lived on earth–so he would remain in death. There would be no relief–then or ever.
“Abraham said, Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.” It’s a frightening picture isn’t it? We want to keep the story and its images at arm’s length. But Jesus tells us this story because he wants us to be reflective about the direction of our life. Have we lived our lives like the rich man? Whether we are rich or poor, have we put our desires, our wants, our needs before those around us? Has our selfishness caused pain for others? Have we lived our lives on this earth, as if this life is all that matters?
Through the voice of the rich man crying out in hell’s torments, Jesus speaks a stern warning to us this morning. He says: Turn away from selfishness! Turn away from greed! Keep your lives free from the love of money! Open your eyes to the needs of others! Live with eternity in view! Look to me alone for help!
Just like with the rich man’s brothers, while we are living and breathing there is still an opportunity to hear and heed the words of the Lord and change the direction of our lives. Today is the day to remember and take to heart that, just like with Lazarus, God is our help.
Despite the scarcity of our loving concern for others, our Father has given of the riches of his Son’s holy life in place of our self-serving life. Despite our desire to selfishly hold onto our blessings, he has poured out upon us the blessings of his grace and mercy by forgiving our sins on account of his Son’s bloody death on the cross. And despite our unwillingness to see the needs of others, he has not only seen our need for salvation and forgiveness and new life, but has met that need through his Son’s resurrection from the dead-- so that life-- not death-- is our eternal future.
God gives us the riches of his grace as a free gift through faith in his Son Jesus Christ and it is this risen Savior, witnessed to by Moses and the prophets, who calls us today to live a new life like his.
Crucified and risen with Christ in Holy Baptism, strengthened by his presence in Word and Sacrament, Jesus calls us to show the same concern for others that he showed to us. He invites us to use our gifts as he did, to help those who are in need. He encourages us to show our love for him by caring for those who are hungry, ill, and lonely-- with that wonderful promise that whatever we do to the least of our brothers, we do also unto him.
We go forth into this new week as disciples of Jesus Christ with our eyes fixed on heavenly, not earthly values---looking for opportunities to show our faith in him through loving and generous service to others. May God grant this each of us for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
And now may the peace of God that passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting. Amen.